Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Call for presenters (Fall 2007)

Greetings Stanford Immunologists,

I hope everyone has enjoyed a great Summer and is well rested and ready for Fall.

First, for those who missed the last meeting before Summer, a reiteration of thanks to Remi Creusot is in order for his 3+ years of organization and service to the journal club. Thanks Remi!

As usual the journal club will meet on Wednesdays, from Noon-1pm.

For this Fall quarter we still have the following dates available for presenters:

- Sept. 26
- Oct. 10
- Oct. 17
- Nov. 14
- Nov. 28
- Dec. 5
- Dec. 12

Please let me know if you would like to present at one of these dates.

Thanks and see you soon,

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

First post!

This is a test post.

Testing spacing. Larger font test.

Okay, how about a picture?

Great, how about trying to link to articles?

A link to an abstract: click here

A link to a full article: click here